In an island, a young couple, Violet and Peter, offers a sex swap with fellow guest Olivia, a hot lesbian. What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than what he bargained for.
Here are some key points about the film:
Plot: In an island, a young couple, Emily and Peter, offers a sex swap with fellow guest Olivia, a hot lesbian. What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than what he bargained for.
The main cast of "Foursome" (2023) includes:
Lawrence Fajardo
Lawrence Fajardo is a film and television director, producer, editor and writer known for fast-paced action films that focus on the Filipino people's hard experiences, often connected to the struggles of workers and the character's uplifting. Many of his works also tackle fear of the known and the unknown. His works have competed in important international festivals and have been screened in South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France, USA, Canada and Italy.
Josef Elizalde
Josef Elizalde is a Filipino film and TV actor.
Rob Guinto
Angela Morena